Sunday, March 2, 2008

It is what it is...

So after a bunch of ups and downs, I've resolved to really make an effort as far as my weight's concerned. I've had a lot of progress, but I still lack the discipline to see things thru to the finish line. I wanna get that accomplished this year, and I plan to. Any who, haven't seen u guys in a little while! Things have been great with me thanks for asking. Oh man I've finally seen "Clockwork Orange" in its entirety and boy was it awesome! I wondered why they named the movie "Clockwork Orange" though.
- out.


Blogger Game-Zone Recreation said...

Hey, I'm part of an organization name GZR that host Anime and Video Game Conventions, Tournaments, Contest, Interviews and Reviews, and more events. We are currently looking for feedback and people who share a common interest in either anime or video games (if not both). Part of our feedback is finding out from the gamers which games they play? Also if they've ever played competitively for any game, and if so, which games? And last, what makes you like the games that you like (you can be as detailed as you want in your description)? Thank you so much for reading this and we hope to hear a response from you soon.

November 15, 2009 at 4:56 AM


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