Sunday, March 2, 2008

It is what it is...

So after a bunch of ups and downs, I've resolved to really make an effort as far as my weight's concerned. I've had a lot of progress, but I still lack the discipline to see things thru to the finish line. I wanna get that accomplished this year, and I plan to. Any who, haven't seen u guys in a little while! Things have been great with me thanks for asking. Oh man I've finally seen "Clockwork Orange" in its entirety and boy was it awesome! I wondered why they named the movie "Clockwork Orange" though.
- out.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Oh snap! Mobile blogging! What it do!

UH Master Cleanse!! Day 2 uh 1

Day 1!!! It would have been day 2 if I hadn't broken down yesterday and gotten some chips. And some twinkies. And a honeybun. And a cherry coke. Anyways we'll start Day 1 today! I didn't even crave that stuff, I was just tired and I didn't really care! Still kinda don't but I've been promised dinner out after I complete this thingy so whatever. Nothing to really talk about yet today, nothing really happened yesterday except for me passing out, so, yeah.
-T out

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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Days!!!!

I'm back!!
So I figured I'd start the new years by posting and stuff, so here I goes!!! I decided to change my life starting today, So I'm gonna do the "Master Cleanse" program to flush my system out, and try to make gradual but permanent changes to my diet. I don't have a great desire to go through with this program though, I was excited at first but now I'm not really. But whatever, me and my coworker have a little wager going, so I'll stick by it, why not.
I resolve to-
I've resolved, once again, to have it even less this year. And by that I don't only mean not taking crap from other people, but also not from myself. I need to hold myself a little more responsible for my actions. Also I gotta try and do something about this constant fear I have of taking risks and trying new things. So we'll work on that.
Halo 3...
sucks. OMG it sucks, It's unrealistic, fine, don't mind that. It's looks better, fine, beauty's in the eyes of the beholder. Sure. Gameplay is dull and starts to get monotonous in the single player campaign. Cortana won't shut up, the Oracle won't shut up, and that's made worse by the fact that when they talk, gameplay slows down to a crawl I guess to accentuate what they're saying. Whatever. I beat the game in about 6 hours, and, in my very very humble opinion, Gears of War is only about 8 million times better. Oh man and the ending to Halo 3 sucked balls. Just thought I should let you guys know that.
Before that Halo atrocity, I got the famed "3 red lights" on my xbox. I thought it couldn't happen to me, oh how wrong I was!!! I call the Deutsche Bags over at Microsoft and tell them about it, and these doodoo puppies have the audacity to act like they're doing me a favor by replacing my xbox for free!!! Like I was the reason their defective hardware fecking failed... Well needless to say I was a bit taken aback by their arrogance, but I was civil and thanked them for their help. So uh, if you have any Microsoft stock (MSFT) dump it, cause when they get screwed rusty nail style, you know, they will, uh get screwed.
T out.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Your results:
You are Apocalypse

Dr. Doom
Dark Phoenix
Lex Luthor
Green Goblin
The Joker
Poison Ivy
Mr. Freeze
You believe in survival of the fittest and you believe that you are the fittest.

Click here to take the Supervillain Personality Quiz

Thursday, April 19, 2007

This is the First.... Thing.

So, that's me! This is my first time posting here, I used to do the journalspace thing, but whatever. This is a new day I guess... You know, new day... So i'll start making relevant posts soon, I'm really here to talk about my personal struggle with a media company I'm trying to start, and to "shoot the shit" with you guys. Anywhoo, lata!!!

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